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Aaron Yang | UI/UX Designer, User Researcher, Website Developer


Yang, Z., & Kong, J. (2024). Cue-based two factor authentication. Computers & Security, 146, 104068.

Yang, Z., Liang, T., Kong, J. Li, J., “Three-Level Pressure-based Authentication for Touch Screens.” (Under Review).

Yang, Z. (2023). Usable and Secure Authentication for Multi-Device Environments (Doctoral dissertation, North Dakota State University).

Liu, S., Zhang, H., Yang, Z., Kong, J., Zhang, L., & Gao, C. (2023). UXBIV: An Evaluation Framework for Business Intelligence Visualization. IEEE Access.

Guo, Z., Yang, Z., & Bernard, B. (2023). Using 3D-Printed Structural Units to Enhance Studio Engagement and Structure Learning Efficiency of Architecture Students. In Conference Proceeding from the 38th Conference on the Beginning Design Student (pp. 47-55).